Monday, September 6, 2010

good but tired

Hey y'all.

This post is a general apology for not posting more lately. I have videos and pics from the night of my tx, and tons tons tons to tell you about, but I am so focused right now on getting my physical self back together, my mental self is sorta tired. This whole 5-6 weeks in the hospital, I have not read a page of a book, for example. I prefer Law and Order RERUNS over new episodes. I am just mentally blank from all that has happened and so not much left for the typie types.

The physical update is that, I was right, I DID lose a ton of weight under the whole water-retention-trauma. So, officially I am a CFer on an extremely low fat diet who needs to eat a lot of calories. I am hoping this fat avoidance period can end soon. Today I had a chest CT and it showed decreases to the areas of edema (fluid) in my pleural (outside the lung, inside the chest) space, and a greater decrease to the water behind my heart. So that's good. I am exercising more and more, but I'm only at about .6miles per DAY. Of course, when I ask about it here, I get a lot of answers that they are happy with my progress, and I just need to improve every day, but I wonder, isn't that just a little bit of walking?  I hope to be walking 1 mi. a day by the end of the week, and then slowly work on merging my 3 walks into one big walk. The good news on the walking is that I am walking at a normal pace now, as opposed to last week, and I can talk and walk at the same time which is AMAZING, and makes me less stressed out about walking with people.

For years, I hated walking anywhere with anyone because it is awkward if you don't talk, but I was not physically capable of walking and talking. So, it was anxiety provoking. Also, I sorta feel like a zoo animal. But lately my parents and I have been walking and chatting and its been no big woop- and I haven't needed to stop either.

I miss my cat so much that I could cry. I hope to see her soon.

Love you,


  1. Great to hear things are on the improv! Ahh yes, the luxury of walking and talking. It will be the little things that make all the difference. Keep on keepin' on!

  2. I will feel the same way about my kitty. Same. Exact. Way. Why do you have to avoid fat? Does it increase the edema?

  3. Great update! I wouldn't feel bad about ONLY 0.6 miles, I bet most Americans don't go that far in a day. And great news about walking and talking; how much longer before your doctors introduce gum chewing too?

  4. I hated not being able to read or focus on things, reading is one of my joys in life. As I said in my other post it gets better, its hard to see when your going through it all but it will!

  5. This is all great news. Hoping the kitty reuinion happens soon!


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