Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm okie dokie after embo

Yo yo yo,

I have another Guest Post lined up for tonight, but wanted to quickly say hi to the readers and let you know that I am doing well as of... about an hour ago, from my embolization. The procedure went very very well, and the Radiologist came in to tell me that I was apparently happy and talkative during the procedure. Hopefully, I didn't say any of the things written in HERE, the most famous of CG posts to date.

They were able to embolize three areas of my lung that were bleeding, and I have been pretty good in the not-bleeding department since.

However, I came off of the sedation in my usual craptastic way, with a really bad headache and praying to god to just puke my brains out. Alas, I could not puke as I hadn't eaten in 16 hours. The rest of the day got crappier and crappier, and then last night at 3 I woke up with a super bad headache, so they gave me some super drugs. The problem with drugs is, wow they can cure your headache, but boy you feel like you're on drugs. I don't know how those crackheads do it. I canNOT take feeling so tripped out. So, without my headache it was only my nauseousness to plague me, and I did make sure to tell the nurse, "You're poisoning me," one of my favorite, illogical accusations. Thankfully, she knew it was the puke talking. I also bipapped my butt off, and now I feel pretty good. I plan to go to bed in about an hour, and then see what tomorrow brings.

More CG-As-Famous-Cystic stuff happened today, but I'll let you find out about that as it comes.

Goodnight y'all, and enjoy the next post. It should be prompted to go up in . . . an hour.

P.S. Thanks to H-Mama for bringing me candy bars and giving me drinks (ginger ale) :( while I laid down grumpy after embo, and for generally being on-call at the hospital to make sure I came up from radiology. AND, thanks to T-Money for bringing me a McD's the night prior. And, thanks to J-Sing for coming to see me today and making me laugh, quietly, and not getting offended when my headache shushed him (and for 30th birthday thoughts), and to my family on the phone and blog, and to my new RHONY tweeps. And all the other tweeps. And Jessica. And Piper.


  1. So glad you're doing well, but boo for the pukiness...

    Love, love, love RHONY! So much drama. Can't wait for the reunion tomorrow night!

  2. Good writing, lady! Your soap is on the way. Hope you like it. ❤➹✈➷❤✗


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