Thursday, June 24, 2010

The power of prayer, energy and anything you have: this red rose for Connor and his mother.

I was going to write a silly post about my love for driving and how everyone asks me, "You drove yourself here?" every time I go to the hospital, but I will save that post and ask any of my readers to please take a moment to pray, meditate, think and breathe for little Connor, his mother, and their family as Connor is losing his battle with CF and Prune Belly Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, in the coming hours or days.

You may visit Connor's mother's page HERE

From her site: "CF death statistics on average are 484 deaths per year, 40 per month, 9 per week, 1 per day." Connor, we cannot believe that this could be your day.

May you breathe easy, Connor, and may your family feel, through their grief, some relief in your passage forth.

Love, Cystic Gal.


  1. This is really rocking the CF community. We are all thinking of him and wish the family peace. I hate CF! :(

  2. thank you so much for your compassion and love. He is breathing free...god bless his soul. my heart is broken into unrecognizable peices but my soul is at peace knowing that he's no longer fighting just to breathe.

  3. May God rest his soal and welcome him breathing easy.


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