Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vote for my photo! "The Cystic Gal Chillin'"

 Vote for my silly photo so I can get a $100 discount on my next CG T-Shirt order!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <iotw@customink.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:40 AM
Subject: Your Ink of the Week photo "The Cystic Gal Chillin'" is now live!
To: patientpress@gmail.com


Congrats - your Ink of the Week photo is now live. You are officially entered in the CustomInk.com "Ink of the Week" contest.

Contest winners are determined on a weekly basis. Tell your friends to visit your page at the link below and rate it because the CustomInk judges are influenced by pictures that have high scores. We'll notify you by email if your photo wins!

Share this link with your friends and don't forget to add it as a link on  your website or blog:


Good luck with the contest!



  1. Got my shirt and I *love* it! I proudly sported it last night at our homeowners meeting!!!

  2. Yay!! You are the first known person to receive their shirt!!


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